- [pdf] Maximizing Expected Value of Information in Decision Problems by Querying on a Wish-to-Know Basis. (PhD Thesis), University of Michigan, 2016.
By Robert Cohn. - [pdf] Characterizing EVOI-Sufficient k-Response Query Sets in Decision Problems. (AISTATS 2014.)
By Robert Cohn, Edmund Durfee, and Satinder Singh. - [pdf] Planning Delayed-Response Queries and Transient Policites under Reward Uncertainty. (MSDM 2012)
By Robert Cohn, Edmund Durfee, and Satinder Singh. - [pdf] Comparing Action-Query Strategies in Semi-Autonomous Agents. (AAAI 2011)
By Robert Cohn, Edmund Durfee, and Satinder Singh. - [pdf] Selecting Operator Queries using Expected Myopic Gain. (IAT 2010)
By Robert Cohn, Michael Maxim, Edmund Durfee, and Satinder Singh. - [pdf] VeriKey: A Dynamic Certificate Verification System for Public Key Exchanges. (DIMVA 2008)
By Brett Stone-Gross, David Sigal, Rob Cohn, John Morse, Keven Almeroth, and Christopher Kruegel.